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Roast Goose


8 to 9-pound young goose
Salt and pepper
Marjoram and flour
½ Cup of chopped onions
½ Cup of chopped carrots
½ cup chopped celery leaves
2 Cups of broth
rice or sweet potato

  • Stuffing Apricot and mashed potato

  • Stuffing for turkey and goose

  • 3½ Cups of mashed potatoes
    ¾ Cup of cream
    ½ Cup of butter
    Salt and pepper
    1 Cup of toasted bread crumbs
    2 Tablespoons chopped onions
    ¾ Cup dried apricots
    1 Teaspoon marjoram
    1 Teaspoon tarragon


    Boil, peel and mash the potatoes until fluffy with cream, butter and salt and pepper.
    Saute the onions in 2 tablespoons butter and add them to the potatoes.
    Soak the apricots 1 hour and slice them. Lightly mix together all the ingredients

  • In preparation for stuffing the bird.

  • Wash the goose well and rub inside and out with salt and pepper.
    Mix marjoram or thyme with a little flour and rub over the outside.
    Fill the goose with the stuffing, sew it up and put it in a very hot oven (400°F.) for 15 minutes,
    then turn the oven down to 325°F. Add the chopped vegetables to the pan with hot broth,
    and roast at 18 to 20 minutes to the pound until it is tender.
    Long, slow cooking makes for a tender and juicy bird.
    Strain the sauce in the pan after the goose has been roasted 40 minutes,
    drained of its fat and returned to the oven.
    This method of cooking is preferred by who find the bird too fat.

  • Serve with tart applesauce or pickles. Mashed turnips or carrot ring filled with peas

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